Frequently asked questions
- We aim to work collaboratively and complementary to other provincial initiatives to avoid duplicating efforts.
- We want to help financially and in partnership with public and private funds the harmonization and development of technological tools necessary for decision-making for the judicious and responsible use of antibiotics, drugs and vaccines.
- We have established an advisory committee for FASA with the mandate to identify major issues in the field and recommend priority mandates for FASA’s strategic orientations. FASA’s mission will thus be evolving to adapt to the needs in animal health.
- We want to promote the transfer of knowledge to veterinarians, their clients and partners or other stakeholders.
- Yes, because in the short term it will be more efficient.
- For example, several software programs are currently used by more than 95% of practicing veterinarians in the field of dairy cattle and small ruminants, such as DSA Expert, Vigil-Vet and Vet-Expert. It is easier to start working with these tools to begin our mission before offering our financial assistance to other animal species that do not have a common data collection system.
- There will be greater harmonization work to bring together data on the sales or use of antibiotics, drugs and vaccines in other practice areas (equines, companion animals, swine and poultry) and/or to make the systems used interoperable.
- Yes, we would like to and we would like to be able to participate in ongoing exchanges to support certain funding needs for technological tools necessary to fight against antimicrobial resistance.
- The time frame will depend on the provincial initiative of MAPAQ within the framework of measure 4.4 of the 2022-2025 Interministerial Action Plan of the Government Health Prevention Policy and the financial resources available to harmonize, improve or develop the tools for collection and sharing of data needed to achieve the objectives of setting up a continuous multi-species monitoring system for the use of antibiotics in Quebec (Project funded by MAPAQ).
- We want to put our shoulder to the wheel to ensure the success of this system according to the priorities and deadlines agreed with the various animal health sectors. Thus, we will aim to be present to offer financial assistance for the development of computer tools or intermediate applications required for the collection and analysis of data from the antibiotic monitoring system for all animal species over time.
- To our knowledge, there is nothing similar as a non-profit organization (NPO) with our vision of strengthening veterinary advisory services to promote the responsible use of antimicrobials, medications, and vaccines in animal health in Canada.
- Work is currently being done at the national level for production animals through SAVI, the Stewardship of Antimicrobials by Veterinarians Initiative, which promotes the:
- Collection of electronic data on prescriptions and distributions related to the use of antimicrobials in feed for beef cattle, poultry, and pigs.
- Antibiotics used by other routes of administration (injectable, oral) are not compiled in this project."
- On the other hand, CIPARS (Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance) collects:
- Quantities (kg) of medically important antimicrobials sold by manufacturers and importers by species in Canada. The species reported are dogs and cats, horses, dairy cattle, small ruminants, veal calves, beef cattle, pigs and poultry.
- These data make it possible to obtain an annual sales trend and not of use and do not allow benchmarking
- The data does not include all antibiotics, including some formulations of human medicine used in animal health (mainly in companion animals)
- We would like to be able to work in collaboration with these Canadian initiatives and programs in order to identify ways to improve the tools to be developed to harmonize the work of veterinarians in their advisory services to their clients.
- As an animal health partner, take part in the reflection process of the FASA advisory committee to help us develop our mission and become a key leader for the development of sustainable solutions for the judicious and responsible use of antibiotics, drugs and vaccines without compromising animal health and welfare
- Be a generator of ideas or innovative projects that could be funded in partnership with FASA
- Become a building partner of a Quebec and Canadian NPO by making a major donation to FASA
- Participate in the financing of knowledge transfer activities with veterinarians, producers or their clients and stakeholders in the animal health sector
- Collaborate in the development of technological tools or applications to help veterinarians in their role as specialists and consultants in animal health related to the judicious and responsible use of antibiotics, drugs and vaccines
- These tools would make it possible to advise their clients on the basis of evidence-based medicine and practice precision medicine.
- We believe in working in partnership thanks to the MAPAQ initiative to set up a continuous monitoring system for the use of multi-species antibiotics in Quebec.
- We want to put our shoulder to the wheel to ensure the success of this system according to the priorities and deadlines agreed with the various animal health sectors.
- We are a financial aid fund that complements and accelerates innovative digital and technological tools to meet the needs of precision veterinary medicine in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.
- FASA aims to fund collaborative projects that are concrete and directly applicable in the field
- We want to improve the advisory services of veterinarians for the benefit of animal health, producers, and breeders.
- FASA seeks input from animal health partner collaborators to help guide its mission and areas of development in a way that complements current efforts. We aim to fill gaps to facilitate the development of tools that will enable the collection and analysis of high-quality data on antimicrobials, medications, and vaccines.
- FASA wants to empower veterinarians and their clients to increase their leadership for the judicious use of antibiotics, medicines and vaccines
- FASA wants to accelerate the development of digital and technological tools necessary for improving their advisory services to clients in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
- FASA aims to stay abreast of these technological developments to ensure they are developed and used responsibly, and that they have a significant impact in improving animal health and wellbeing.
- FASA seeks ideas for meeting the needs of precision veterinary medicine to combat antibiotic resistance
- FASA wishes your contribution as partners and builders of the FASA as a Canadian non-profit organization
- FASA wishes to make a difference by providing the support needed to propel the electronic tools that are essential if we aim to responsibly and efficiently capitalize on the expanding age of big data and the increasing use of AI in the animal health sector.